Anne-Marie Landry is a Louisiana-born artist, now transplanted in San Diego. She learned watercolors as a teen, and studied writing, drawing, and painting in college. Having spent most of her life in the lush greenery of South Louisiana, she embraces vibrant colors. She loves nature and sees beauty everywhere. She melds nature's realism with her wildly vivid imagination on the canvas to create the resulting fusion of fantasy and reality.
FROM THE ARTIST I make art because it helps me express things in a way I might otherwise not be able to. Fanciful ideas, joy, sadness, or anger come to life on my canvases. Images appear and evolve to suit me. Often my real-life frustrations become characters or images in my work.
My childhood was filled with nature trips, camping in forests of giant prehistoric trees, eating berries off vines, playing with cows and horses, digging in river beds for artifacts, and whatever backyard mischief I could find. That early infatuation with nature never faded. I’m fascinated by birds, fish, mammals, and reptiles alike, and all plants from the dangerous to the commonplace.
Stories about magical mythical creatures caught my attention at an early age, so I had and still have a rich fantasy life. Natural and supernatural aren’t mutually exclusive in my work. My dreams are like movies that need to be manifested. I’ve flown high above treetops in my dreams, yet I’m scared of heights and have awful vertigo. I’ve been able to breathe under water and play with mermaids in my sleep, but in real life I fear being in the ocean. Painting gives me a way to create and experience things that enthrall and terrify me. Creating is like meditation as well as work, so it is as spiritual as it is physical for me. I get lost in my paintings as their stories unfold. If you find yourself falling in, too, go right ahead. They’re safe.